Nov 14, 2009


Actually more of Blogger saying what those that took the survey of describing Blogger Today and for the Future  in 3 adjectives according to what you thought of the service said.


The 3 adjectives that users thought that better described Blogger TODAY were:


Simple, Fun and Easy


Runner-ups for the 3rd place were Free and User-Friendly.


Absolutely impossible to disagree i must say.


The  3 words that Blogger users thought that should better describe Blogger in THE FUTURE were:


Better, Integrated and Customizable


Very close Runner-ups for 3rd pace were Interactive, Innovative, Flexible, Accessible and Easier.



(Hell, you can even change the third place for whatever other adjective from the runner-ups as it will be a matter of opinion since it is so close to call it with 100% certainty)

So the opinions on the future were more diverse and in my case. I think, that if i had to choose from this set of adjectives i would go with:


Customizable, Flexible and Innovative.


Overall a good exercise from Google. Now lets hope they deliver.


via Blogger Buzz



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